How to choose the correct pad printing ink?

Choosing the right ink for pad printing depends on several factors such as substrate material, ink color, desired finish, durability requirements and specific printing conditions. In the video below are some steps to help you choose the right ink for pad printing. Consult our experience print technicians: They can make recommendations based on their wide knowledge and great expertise. Choosing the right ink for pad printing depends on several factors such as substrate material, ink…

Ecovadis silver medal

Attention all eco-conscious consumers! 🌱 We are pleased to announce that Printing International has been awarded a SILVER Ecovadis medal for our commitment to sustainability management. 🎖️ Our dedication to the environment and social responsibility is what we renew every single year. Some of Printing International’s strengths, recognized by Ecovadis are: Use of alternative, less hazardous materials in activities; Use of recycled materials; Purchasing and/or generating renewable energy; Internal health and safety audits; Provision of personal protective equipment to all...

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